Archeage: Reroll patch and Auroria

To Trion Worlds and XLGames,
This petition is to the community of Archeage for the server Enla and all other North American servers.
This petition is for the express purpose of banding the entire North American server community together to boycott logging into Archeage and playing the game until they do a roll back of the Aurorian continent after fixing the bad patch that was released November 4th 2014.
Servers opened up at 2:30 PM PST on November 4th, 2014. Large amounts of Haranyan and Nuian guilds rushed over to the new land to claim castles and land. What transpired over the next 3 hours consisted of players crashing or getting disconnected from the game and not being able to log in after.
This gave an advantage to the groups that were able to keep enough players online to claim the the castle areas. After the castles were all claimed, hundreds of house and farm plots went up one after the other. At around 4:30 PM is when Twitter posts started being posted by Legacy that bots had claimed all the land around the castle already. All housing areas on Auroria have been taken.
The customer should have a voice and this is our voice. Help make all our voices heard and sign this petition, the only way to make changes is to show that there are enough people interested in change to warrant it.