Archdiocesan Parishioners Request a Listening Session with Archbishop Lucas re: Fr. Andy Syring
To: Archbishop George Lucas, Archdiocese of Omaha
We, the undersigned, who have been impacted by Fr. Andy Syring’s departure from the parishes of West Point, NE and from public ministry, respectfully request a listening session with you. We are seriously concerned for our parishes, our priests, our seminarians, the archdiocese and the Church, and we are unable to move forward without additional answers. Thus, we respectfully request a listening session, not unlike the many you have recently granted to hundreds of other parishioners across the archdiocese, so that you can respond to our questions and concerns in a meaningful way, consistent with the archdiocese’s recent promise of greater transparency. We also believe strongly that, as you stated recently, “it is really important for [you] to listen to the people of God, and that [you] will be a better pastor of the archdiocese if [you] have a clearer understanding of what our priests and people are experiencing.”
We continue to pray fervently for you, our archdiocese and the Church as we all seek to move forward in unity, justice and peace and we look forward to the opportunity to talk with you directly about our crisis of confidence in Church leadership.
Respectfully signed,