Archbishop Williams High School National Walkout

For all students and faculty that still feel a walkout is what they prefer to do on March 14th at 10am, please sign here. This will be brought to the attention of a faculty member and will be reviewed. Sign if you would like to participate please. This is not a chance to get out of class. This is a chance to use our voices and show that our youth does not mean we don’t care. Please consider joining if you support Parkland and all other communities that have been affected by mass shootings, want to end gun violence, or support gun control. Should this gain support, further information will be sent out. PLEASE WRITE LAST AND FIRST NAME AND CONSIDER COMMENTING TO SHOW WHY YOU WANT TO PATICIPATE
To every individual that signed this: thank you. Your support and passion truly is helpful and inspiring. It is also a good idea to email or speak with administration should you have more to say or should you have ideas on how this could or should work. Keep fighting for what you believe in. Strength in numbers.