Arby's Sauce in a Bottle as a Mood Enhancement

Our nation is at an all-time sense of unrest. With the childhood pressures of state standardized testing, social media negativity, congressional discord, and the loss of hypercolor clothing fads, the general population could greatly benefit from overall mood enhancement. With only 15 calories per serving, Arby's Sauce offers just the dose of mood enhancement we all need with minimal side effects. Research indicates that only 2 servings per day is enough to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and improve overall sense of well-being. Additionally, daily consumption of Arby's Sauce may improve quality of life by 70%, thereby also increasing longevity. If you would like to engage in the benefits of having accessibility to Arby's Sauce any time of the day, every day, please sign this petition to bring awareness to the corporation that owns the majority of Arby's franchise, Roark Capital Group. If we, as concerned public citizens, could band together to petition that Arby's Sauce is bottled and sold in local grocery venues, we could change the world! Therefore, please join me in petitioning to get access to Arby's Sauce in a bottle. Not only would it offer positive mood benefits to our overly negative culture, it would also provide opportunities to recycle once the sauce has been completely consumed. It's a win for all involved.
Disclaimer: While Arby's Sauce may have a tendency to create addictive potential in some predisposed individuals, it is a perfectly legal alternative to other potentially harmful substances. May alter the amount of dopamine and serotonin production in human and canine brains.