Arashi Concert in Singapore

Hi All! This petition has been created in order to confirm the number of people(be they Singaporeans, or be they not) that are willing to attend a concert held by Arashi if they were to hold it in Singapore. You need not be from Singapore, but are still willing to attend. Then, please do sign this! We cannot promise you that they will indeed come down to Singapore to hold a concert, but we need at least a glimmer of chance to convince them to do so, right Right now, the thing they'd be most worried about is the attendance. Therefore, this petition is needed to show them the number of people they can expect to attend. The more, the better. It just takes you a little while to do this, so I hope you guys would^^ For that chance that Arashi might come and hold a concert in Singapore. And if they don't, well... nobody can say we didn't try right