End Wasteful APS Testing

APS Superintendent Davis has said, “We cannot expect excellent outcomes if we surround the teacher with processes and communications systems that are substantially flawed.”
This year, APS has quietly instituted COMMON ASSESSMENTS for all students in 1st-8th grade (most kids will take 19 extra tests). These have no relation to the new Common Core Standards and are not counted as a student grade. ASK APS TO STOP THIS TESTING!
These tests were developed internally, do not compare our students to others locally/nationally, and are not required by Fed/State government. Students will lose from 3-10 hours of learning time taking these useless tests.
APS says so that they can:
- Let teachers know what students have learned. Isn't that why teachers give their own tests?
- Return results within 48 hours so teachers know how students are doing. Currently teachers are not getting these results so tests aren't helping students.
- Insure teachers are teaching the right content at the right time of the year. Isn't that the job of principals and the purpose of grade level planning?
These tests were planned BEFORE Superintendent Davis came on board, and before all SRT Exec. Dir. and half APS Principals were replaced.
These multiple-choice/Scantron tests:
- COST taxpayers by creating approximately 750,000 printed tests, plus the Scantron sheets needed, plus the labor required to grade these test.
- WASTE valuable teaching time that could be used to improve student learning.
- OVERTAX classroom teachers who must work these additional tests into their lesson plans and get little/no timely feedback.
SHARE THIS PETITION with your neighbors and all families within APS.
Get more info at http://apsassessments.blogspot.com/
We'll send this petition to APS Deputy Superintendent of Instruction Karen Waldon (kwaldon@atlanta.k12.ga.us) and your APS Board member (http://www.atlantapublicschools.us/page/379) but feel free to contact them personally, so they understand your concerns.