Appealing six year sentence for gbh with intent: resulting in man being savagely beaten before being burned alive in a car boot.

Three people have been jailed over the death of a TV executive who was beaten and left to die in a burning car. A 'vengeful' medical student who lured victim Gagandip Singh to a horrific attack in which he was savagely beaten before being burned alive in a car boot was jailed for six years on Wednesday. Mundill Mahil, 20, enlisted two friends, Harinder Shokar and Darren Peters, to punch and beat TV executive Gagandip Singh unconscious with a camera tripod after she invited him to her student house in Brighton. The 21-year-old victim was then bundled into the boot of his sister's Mercedes, wrapped in Mahil's duvet, where he would have regained consciousness before the car was torched. Harinder Shoker, 20, was given a life sentence for murder and will serve at least 22 years. Darren Peters, 20, was jailed for 12 years for manslaughter. Mahil was jailed for six years for causing grievous bodily harm. Full article is available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-17202157 Mahil’s six year sentence will constitute of three years incarceration, followed by three years on licence. It is apparent justice has not been served: Mahil’s nominal sentence is far too lenient and is not reflective of the seriousness of the offence she committed, which ultimately resulted in a 21 year old man losing his life in horrific circumstances. Moreover, Judge Paul Worsley stressed that Mahil had a high degree of moral culpability, and "showed no pity" when Mr Singh called out her name as he was attacked. He further added that Mahil “can be manipulative, vengeful and deceitful." DCI Damian Allain, of Scotland Yard’s homicide and serious crime command also highlighted the central role Mahil played in the brutal attack on Gagandip: “She (Mahil) was at the heart of a criminal conspiracy with Shoker and Peters to draw Gagandip to Brighton to seriously assault him, which resulted in his death. All this from a medical student embarking on a career in the caring profession. I have no doubt (that) had it not been for the actions of her deceit and trickery that night, Gagandip would not have been murdered." Please sign this e-petition to support an appeal against Mahil’s sentence if you feel it is too lenient.