Appeal for Anthony DelaCruz

To Dr. Lloyd and Associates at the Loma Linda University School of Nursing:
We, the following, understand that Anthony DelaCruz has been dismissed from the Loma Linda School of Nursing, Nurse Anesthesia Concentration. We would like it to be known that we support his resolve to appeal this decision, and encourage a thorough review of his performance within the concentration before a final decision is made regarding his position in this program.
We attest to Mr. DelaCruz’s character, work ethic and intellect. We believe that Mr. DelaCruz is an honorable individual who is consistently looking out for the interests of those to whom he provides care. He is a hard working individual who has proven himself academically as a successful student within the classroom. He has spent extensive amounts of time preparing for each clinical experience, and he has passed the NSEE exam as a demonstration of his knowledge of anesthesia related concepts.
We were surprised to learn of Mr. DelaCruz’s dismissal given the above characteristics and simply ask for a thorough consideration regarding his abilities to safely provide anesthesia as a future Nurse Anesthetist. Please consider his appeal and our petition behalf of his character, work ethic and intellect. Thank you.