This petition will be presented to the Queen on January 23rd 2008. We need as many names on it as possible for it to be taken seriously by the authorities, please if you do agree with what is written below simply add you full name, email address, and any comments in the boxes provided.YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS SHALL REMAIN PRIVATE AND WILL NEVER BE SHARED OR DISCLOSED TO ANY THIRD PARTIES BY APNALOUNGE.COM PLEASE NOTE YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE ASIAN TO AGREE WITH THE CONTENT. Your Majesty The Queen you vowed in Your Coronation Oath to both defend Justice and also to Defend The Faith in Your Realm, therefore we the undersigned urge you to formally call in Your Government ministers and instruct them on pain of dismissal to do the following by Christmas 2008: 1. End by Law the evil libel that Asian religious minorities are offended by Christmas or of peaceful public Christian worship; 2. End by Law the evil libel that Asian religious minorities in Your Realm are enemies of Christmas and Christian worship and education; 3. End by law that anyone can ban carol services in public or private places, nativity plays performed by children in schools or other Christmas worship; 4. Stop Your Government Ministers seeking to divide Your People in your Realm by emphasising and even inventing and fabricating bogus disagreements which cause needless resentment between religious groups; 5. Do all in their power to emphasise the huge areas of agreement and sincere goodwill between different religious groups seeking to express their faith by love for their neighbour and through acts of mercy and charity; 6. Put Merry Christmas on all Government Seasons Greetings Cards and official letters and websites issued in the month of December; 7. We also bless you Your Majesty and your family with a Very Merry Christmas and an extremely Happy New Year in 2008 in which we all pray that HOPE, FAITH and LOVE will re-emerge in our nation.