Poker Is Not Bingo!

The Australian Poker League is the leading poker game in Oz. Unfortunately the APL with their chip starting levels and the structure and frequency of blinds are turning poker into Bingo. In no other poker tournament do the blind levels and frequency dictate the outcome of games rather than poker skills. The APL set this blind structure to ensure games finished on time which is an invalid reason. The fact is, the blind structure will not affect the length of the games. Betting on a hand is based on the amount of chips players have. But at the APL, calling a hand on the flop can take half your stack. The lucky players not the skilfull ones benefit. Poker is a game of skill plus a little luck. If we wanted to play for luck we may as well play Bingo! We are poker players not Bingo players. Sign this petition and we will pass the results on to the APL hoping they will listen to their members.