We call upon the Government to Honour it's promise to Ambulance workers.

The Association of Professional Ambulance Personnel, call upon this Government to honour it's promise to Ambulance Workers over pay. In the Conservative Manifesto of 2010, under the "NHYES" Campaign, it was clearly stated that NHS workers would be subject to a Pay Freeze. It is therefor unacceptable for our members to have a Pay cut forced upon them. Under the "Process Evolution" currently being undertaken Ambulance staff are having forced upon them a Pay cut, through the reduction in anti-social hours working payments, reduction in overtime payments and negative changes in working arrangement's. This all add's up to a pay cut for frontline staff, those who can least afford it. The Government must honour it's promise, and stop allowing Middle management numbers to swell and Senior staff to be awarded above inflation pay rises, whilst our hardworking members are forced into Financial Hardship. We the Undersigned call upon the Government to honour it's pledge and protect frontline workers in the Ambulance Service.