Give us back our profiles!

AOL, you're out of your minds. How dare you change our profiles! Especially without any sort of notice! A lot of us put A LOT of effort into those, only to have them taken away from us. This Bebo crap is stupid, not to mention complicated. First we try to log in, and the security code is always wrong, no matter what. Then when we get through, it tells us we're signed in in several places! We liked it better when it was as simple as point and click, and we want that back. Why should we have to keep logging in, when we are already logged in to AOL That's all there should be to it. People, we can't let AOL get away with this. Sign the petition, call them, write to them... fax! If we all sent in a single letter, they would be overflowing! Customer Support: 1-800-827-6364 Fax: 703-433-7283 France: 0-800-903-910 Germany: 0-180-531-3164 UK: 0870 320 2020 / 0-800-376-5432 Mail:America Online P.O. BOX 17100 Jacksonville, FL 32245-7100 BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, SCREEN NAME, AND PHONE NUMBER WHEN MAILING!!! ***This petition was written by AOL user DKAngel464***