anti-Paris Hilton petion
We the clear thinking people of the great state of California are asking the honourable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to please deny the request of Paris Hilton's petition, and do the right thing and treat her like the rest of the people in California deserve to be treated. That said, we think that it is absolutely ludacris that a celebrity, actress, model or what ever title that she wants to be under, should get special treatment for her actions. we have seen time and time again when people deemed by the media as important, get to walk away Scot free. WELL NOT THIS TIME!!! The people of California are sick of being treated like idiots, thinking that people like Paris Hilton deserve something that we don't. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, we ask that you do the right thing and treat this citizen of California just like the other tax paying citizens of California. She must do her 45 days in jail just as the Judge ruled. Thank you for your time Governor The people of California