jama mohamoud 0


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jama mohamoud 0 Comments
4 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The British government has decided to impose a ban on khat a mild herbal stimulant that is traditionally used by Britain's Somali,Yemeni,Kenyan and Ethiopian communities , it could criminalise as many as 90,000 to 150,000 members of these British communities for whom khat is a traditional part of their social lives. The home secretary Theresa may has disregarded the recommendation made to her by the ACMD that by banning khat shows her contempt for reason and evidence,disregard and clear disregard for the sincere efforts of the ACMD, and most of all, indifference to the welfare and rights of the communities in which khat is consumed .Twice in a decade the government experts advisers published reviews showing that the relatively low harms associated with khat can not justify criminalisation, and the biggest effect will be felt by the farmers in Kenya and Ethiopia so please join us in saying no this unjust use of the law.


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