STOP animal testing for good....
Each year about five million dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, monkeys, and other animals die in lethal dose tests performed in the U.K and U.S. During a lethal dose test, the expiremental substance is forced into the animals throats, or is pumped into their stomachs by a tube, sometimes causing death by stomach rupture or from the sheer bulk of the chemical dosage. Substances are mixed in lab chows, injected under the skin, into a vein, or into the lining of the abdomen, they are often applied to the eyes, rectum and vagina or forciblly inhaled through a gas mask. Expirementers observe the animal\'s reaction which include convulsions, laboured breathing, diarrhea, constipation, skin eruptions, abnormal posture, and bleeding from the eyes, nose or mouth. According to statistics, 50% of these animals will die in this expirement 2 to 3 weeks later. The horrible fact about these incidents is that they are unneccesarry as there exists cheaper, efficient and more realistic results that can be used instead of animals. Take a stand against the inhumane treatment met out by animals in medical research by signing this petition. You can make a difference!!!! If you don\'t care for animals- then who will I am sending this of too a company who test on about 50,000 animals a year.Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch company with subsidaries in South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, the Philipines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Uganda. Lever Brother features on Greenpeace\'s \' Murder on the Mersey\' list of companies polluting the Mersey. According to the Registers of the UK\'s National River Authority and/or the River Purification Boards of Scotland, in the year to 31/3/91, the company exceeded its discharge consent three or more times. Also, between 1/9/89 and 31/8/91 the company was convicted for water pollution offences. In 1990, Crosfield Chemicals, was fined