Angie and Aiko's Law

This Petition has been written with regard to the poorly run Spay and Neuter Clinics that Animal Shelters use. Due to their use of unhygienic practices and failure to follow standard veterinarian procedures, such Clinics cause unnecessary pain and suffering to animals which ultimately results in additional expenses incurred to Rescues and Adopters.
I rescued “Angie”, a female Akita from a shelter in 2008. In keeping with Shelter policy, Angie was sent to a nearby Clinic for spaying prior to my official adoption. I called the Shelter on several occasions prior to her spaying as I was concerned with their choice of Clinics. I informed them of my fears. Unfortunately my fears came to fruition. When I picked up Angie after spaying, I asked the clinic for standard antibiotics and was surprisingly refused. Later that evening, my newly adopted dog was lethargic and by the next morning she was also hemorrhaging. I was therefore forced to rush her to my regular Veterinarian. When all was said and done, my cost was in excess $800.00. (‘in excess of over’ is redundant – should just be ‘in excess’) All unnecessary had proper procedures only been followed during the spaying.
In June 2011, I rescued a male Akita whom I named “Aiko”. Prior to picking him up at the shelter; as is standard Shelter policy, he had been neutered. When I entered the shelter, my new dog immediately relieved himself in the lobby; bloody diarrhea and urine covered the floor in front of me. Upon further examination, Aiko’s scrotum was swollen with blood covering his entire genital area. I immediately returned to the Clinic that performed the surgery. While I was in the waiting room with Aiko, another dog entered with his owner…to my dismay with the very same issue! After the clinic gave Aiko a short cursory examine I was given medication for him and sent on my way; they acted as if this was nothing out of the norm. A day and half later, I rushed Aiko to my own veterinarian’s office because the clinic who had neutered him was closed. Aiko had abscessed. My vet stated this occurred due to his recent surgery. Aiko was placed on a different medication to no avail and will now require corrective surgery (to fix the problems caused by his initial poorly performed neutering). This major surgery is estimated to cost in excess of over $5000; all preventable had the clinic only followed proper procedures.
Sadly, similar issues, as the described above occur all too frequently. I have therefore composed:
Spaying and neutering is indeed important and should absolutely be done. However, such surgeries must be performed in Clinics which follow proper protocol and adhere to standard sterilization/hygienic practices. I have been informed by several Vets throughout the years that such clinics, as described in my experiences above are set up and run like an assembly line and surgeries are often times performed in less than hygienic settings. As a result, animals spayed and neutered in such places do not receive the proper care they are so deserving of and as a result suffer unnecessarily. These clinics must be held responsible - for not only providing a safe environment for our animals but such Clinics must also be held responsible for additional veterinarian costs which incur as a result of their negligence. Clinics do not have the right to cause additional pain and suffering to animals.
I therefore ask that you join me in signing the enclosed petition so that we can put an end to this! Animals cannot defend themselves from such places - so we must do this for them!
Thank you so much for your attention to this important matter.