Re-instate Andy's Area Chief Examiner Status!

Andy has lost his BMFA Chief Examiner status without any declared reason why. This situation arose following a breach of BMFA rules by the BMFA that state a new model should not test flown at a display or show where the general public are in attendance. This is for the safety of everyone concerned. Being a Chief examiner, Andy rightly complained that a model shouldn\'t be test flown at the display which members of the BMFA were in the process of doing at the time. After the people involved had brushed aside the rules, Andy mentioned the BMFA\'s behavior in a closed club forum which was then leaked by another member of that forum to the BMFA. This all escalated and eventually resulted in Andy receiving a letter confirming that his position with the BMFA had been revoked, although no reason was given. We want Andy\'s status to be re-instated fully, for the BMFA to be forced to follow their own rules and to not allow blatant disregard for safety by it\'s members whenever they see fit. Signing this petition will help us put a stronger argument together.