Impose a Statute of Limitations on the Deportation of Resident Felons

We, the people of the United States, demand true justice for all people, both foreign and domestic. The Illegal Immigrant and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 allows the United States to deport Permanent Residents with felonies dating back to the origination of the United States. Therefore, residents with a prior felony are now being torn away from their loved ones years after their release from prison. With this occurring, many U.S. families are being broken apart. Children are left fatherless or motherless which in turn, leaves everyone responsible for these parentless children. It results in more families on welfare and an increase in criminal behavior down the road. This is not just a problem that affects Hispanic immigrants either; it affects immigrants as a whole and United States citizens as a whole. Let's stop turning a blind eye to this problem and come together to fix it. If a Permanent Resident was not deported immediately after his or her sentence was served, then the United States should not be able to come back for these people years later after they have established their lives to remove them from the country. We need to impose a statute of limitations on the United States. There needs to be more available forms of relief for those that are faced with this situation. Why should the United States be allowed to come after people who have long since forgotten and moved past their mistakes? Removal and deportation proceedings should have been started when the person was being released from prison not 5, 10, or 20 years later. Since when is it right to pay for the government’s mistake? MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO SIGN!!