An Open Letter to President Obama | Must Sign

President Barack Hussain Obama !! Salam... Though you are busy in Your Election Compaign but it is sure that You can't remain indifferent from the Increasing Muslim Anger in the World in Response to a Blasphamy-attempt by a Group of Devil-Minded Persons Living in Your Country- United States of America. Mr. President ! This evil-attempt has hurted the Feelings & Emotions of the Muslims all over the Globe. President Obama ! IF you Have Forgotton,we want to remind you of your Speech in Turkey in which You Had Promised to Establish Good Relations with Muslim World. Mr. Obama ! Infact Time Has Come To Fullfil your Promise. We condemn the Killing of Embassider Cris Stevens but at the Same time We Demand you to Take Strict action against the People like Terry Jones & Besile who want to creat Anarachy in world.. If You Share even a Single Drop of Blood From Your Muslim Ancestors,we Hope that You would Have the Same Feelings as we Have. Mr. President ! Before we come to Some 'Hard Decision' , it's 'Over To You'... Sohail Khan & Millions of Other Muslims all over the Globe.