An Oath to the Broken

There are those among us who hurt. There are those who have endured the loss of loved ones. Who self-harmed. Who are brokenhearted. Who have eating disorders. Who have disabilities. Those who have been ill. Those who have been brought to the brink of death by what they have been through. Lost in the crowd of faces, they hide behind their smiles. They live a cold, harsh existence, where they feel like they are trapped, and there is nothing they can do. I know, because I have been that person. I have endured those all of things. Every. Single. One. And I have survived. More than that, I have loved those people, and I have seen what it does to them. I refuse to let it happen any longer. I have a message for those people who suffer. An oath, and anyone who would take this oath with me, regardless of where you are in life, has my utmost respect. Please sign this petition, so that the world can see that true heroes do exist! I swear to you that I will be the proof that knights exist. I will always be strong and valiant for you. I swear it. I will never give up on you, or let you go on alone. I swear it. I will always care for you, and give you support, and advice, and love. I swear it. I will never stand in the way of your becoming the best you can be. I swear it. I will always fight to protect you, and ensure that you are safe. I swear it. I will never lie to you, nor intentionally lead you astray. I swear it. I will always go the extra mile, and ensure that you know that you are loved. I swear it. I will never use my actions as leverage or bargaining chips to get what I want. I swear it. I will always ensure that you are known and respected by my friends. I swear it. I will never leave you for as long as I live. I swear it. I swear to you that I will be the proof that Knights exist. They may not all have swords, or armour. They may not all speak archaically. They may not ride giant horses, and have squires. They look like ordinary people. Some are men, some are women. Short, tall, fat, skinny, black, white, or Martian. There are people out there who are knights in disguise, and they tend to hide where you would least expect them. Not all knights were ideal in medieval times. Most would rape and pillage, they would shed blood for sport, and look down their noses at anyone ranked below them. But what I stand for are the ideal knights thought to be found only in fairytales. I stand for the revolution of chivalry and knighthood into what it was meant to be. Protectors, servants, and friends to all. A knight is not born. A knight is made. Those who have suffered the most pain; Those are the toughest. Those who have been through what no person should ever have to; Those are the strongest. Those who have stared Death straight in the face, and denied him; Those are the bravest. Those who care nothing for themselves, but give themselves to others; They have the most reason to be proud. To these pained people out there in the world, my fellow knights, you are loved and respected by those around you. I promise. To everyone else, next time you leave the house, look around you. Behind the smiles of some of the people you see, sorrow and anguish lurk in wait. Remember that next time you go to say something nasty, or feel hate or disrespect for depressed people. Remember that when you are hurt, these very same will be the ones who care enough to pick you up, and dust you off; show them the respect they deserve. After all, if not for the pain humans had caused them, they wouldn’t be like this at all. To anyone in pain. To anyone who wants to be better. To anyone who wishes for a better life. To anyone who wants to help others. To anyone who took that oath with me. To anyone who truly wants to show the world that there is good in people still. To any knights out there. If you are reading this, remember this. You are not alone. Sign up on one of these forums. orderofchivalry.uphero.com/phpBB3/ chivalrynow.createforumhosting.com http://modernchivalry.org/forum/ Every one of them is a family, and every one will be more than willing to take care of you. That is what we all are here for. ~Sir Sorbus~