American Citizens Declaration of Principles on Immigration
Arturo Morales LLan 0

American Citizens Declaration of Principles on Immigration

73 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Arturo Morales LLan 0 Comments
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American Citizens Declaration of Principles on Immigration.

 As citizens of the United States of America, we support:

The United States Constitution, which authorizes the United States to cooperate with other nations, protect our borders, defend the States against invasion, and provide for naturalization of immigrants;

The Bill of Rights, which recognizes our God-given liberties, including:

Freedom of religion, to believe and worship God as we choose;

Freedom of speech, to praise or criticize as we choose; and

Freedom of conscience, to participate and vote as we choose;

Due process and Equal Protection of the laws, which guarantee fairness in our government procedures and ensure that our laws apply equally to all, rather than favoring selected groups;

Secure ports and borders, which protect our nation from invasion, terrorism, and crime;

Legal immigration, in an orderly and responsible manner, which offers compassion, hope, and prosperity—the American Dream—to the millions of people around the world who want to immigrate legally, obey our laws, and adopt American values; and

Law enforcement, in cooperation on the local, state, and national level, to hold those who break the law accountable for their actions.

As American citizens, we oppose:

Illegal immigration, which increases identity theft, document fraud, and other crimes (including human trafficking, drug trafficking, and gang activity) and burdens our social services, schools, and medical providers; and

Amnesty, which allows those who have entered our nation illegally to remain in the United States rather than returning to their home countries to wait their turn to immigrate legally.



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