Do you feel our governemnt and globalization has hurt America?
Wade Myers 0

Do you feel our governemnt and globalization has hurt America?

11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Wade Myers 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Do you feel globalization manufacturing has hurt America?

Do you remember when "made in America" was a way of life here in the country that was founded on manufacturing?

Do you remember when we were the financial giant of the world?

Do you remember when we were the manufacturing giant of the world?

Do you remember when unemployment was not an issue?

Does it seem now that we have shared our factories with the world of countries they are getting richer and we are getting poorer?

Do you remember when you worked for money as an American and when you retired the Social Security was there for you?

Do you remember when you would only see one flag flown by the people proud to live in this country?

Do you remember learning English was a requirement to live here?

Do you remember when our government offices were held by people who knew what it was like to live in rural America and not a mansion in Washington DC?

If you answered yes to any of these questions sign this petition. We will see if CNN or Fox has the American guts to air the results.


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