Israel AdvocacyUK 0

CLOSED - Amendment to a divisive House of Commons motion - send your thanks to Bob Blackman MP

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Dear Bob Blackman

We understand that on Monday 13 October, the House of Commons will debate a backbench motion: “That this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel.”

We note that your name is included amongst the proposers of the following amendment to this motion: “At end, add ‘, on the conclusion of successful peace negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority.’" Thank you.

We wish you success in achieving your amendment and thank you for consistently showing a deep and clear understanding of the issues in this troubled region.

The principle of a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine issue is widely accepted, although not by Hamas and at best grudgingly by the Palestinian Authority. The two-state solution must be achieved through negotiation and genuine mutual agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, not through unilateral moves nor pre-emptive recognition.

As you know, Israeli has repeatedly stated its willingness to recognise an independent Palestine provided that there is a permanent and genuine peace.Israel has offered terms for statehood on many occasions (most recently in 2008) only for these to be rejected by the Palestinians.

Unilateral moves such as Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 have only led to more conflict whereas negotiated peace deals such as the treaties between Israel and Egypt and later Jordan have proved durable.

Thank you for proposing the amendment.

Yours sincerely

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