Article 26 of the Revised Family Code of the Philippines infringes on the right of Filipinos, who are married to a foreign national, to re-marry after initiating divorce. According to the law, in order to be allowed to re-marry, one has to prove that the divorce was initiated by the foreign spouse; and that he or she has to seek judicial recognition of the said divorce before a Philippine court. The law is simply unfair, especially to Filipinos who are in abusive conditions. It is discriminatory and makes every Filipino married to a foreign national more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Hence, we are petitioning members of the Philippine Congress to amend Article 26 of the Revised Family Code of the Philippines to allow Filipinos who are married to foreign nationals to re-marry after a divorce, regardless of who, between the two parties involved, initiated the divorce. AMEND ARTICLE 26 OF THE FAMILY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES! EQUAL RIGHTS AND PROTECTION FOR ALL!