SB231 CCW on Campus

Pass Nevada SB231- Campus Carry
On Friday, March 18, 2011, Nevada's Senate Government Affairs Committee heard testimony on this bill from Amanda Collins, who is, in my opinion, a hero in Nevada. She was victimized by the same assailant who later attacked and murdered Brianna Dennison. Ms. Collins was raped by a predator in the parking garage of UNR. Because the NSHE rules and Nevada law prohibit people like Ms. Collins (firearms owner and concealed carry permit holder) from bringing guns onto "their" property for personal protection, Ms. Collins sustained a brutal attack by a violent criminal WHO BROUGHT A GUN ON CAMPUS – without permission. He is now a convicted serial rapist and killer.
We have a basic human right to defend our lives and our bodies, whether we are on "campus property" or even across the street. Nevadans, especially college women, must be allowed the right to protect themselves with a gun, if they so choose.
This proposed law does *not* legalize open-carry. It would legalize concealed carry only, and only for those who have had the training, background checks and approval to carry a concealed weapon in accordance with state law. It removes the requirement that CCW permit holders *also* obtain the written permission of the President of the college - permission that even Ms. Collins did not obtain until after she sustained an attack. She obeyed the law. The attacker clearly did not.
If you agree that Nevadans must be allowed to protect themselves, please sign below. Then, please contact your legislators and urge them to allow us to protect ourselves in Nevada, even on "public" NSHE property.
Read the text of SB231 by Clicking Here
Introduced March 9, 2011
SB231 Sponsored by: Lee, Settelmeyer, Hardy, Manendo, Denis, Cegavske, Copening, Gustavson, Halseth, Roberson, Anderson, Hickey, Hambrick, Carrillo, Hansen, Daly, Flores, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Hammond, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Ohrenschall
*hat-tip Muth’s Truths
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More ways you can help Nevadans protect themselves:
1. Forward a link to this online poll to your friends
2. Add your "for" vote on the Nevada Legislature's Opinion Poll
EASY ONLINE OPINION POLL: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/AppCF/Opinion/76th2011/Poll/ is the State Legislature's website to easily "Share your Opinion on Legislative Bills"
Find the bill number on the drop-down menu, and click on "For" or "Against" - add comments (visible to the public) if you like. Add your name and address (phone and email are optional).
3. Email your legislators and urge them to pass SB231
4. Phone your legislators and urge them to pass SB231
EMAIL/PHONE TIPS: When you phone and/or email YOUR LEGISLATORS (find them here: http://mapserve.leg.state.nv.us/website/lcb/viewer.htm ) include the words "I vote in your district" at the beginning of the phone conversation or the top of your email. EMAIL SUBJECT line should be simple "Support SB231 Campus Carry" The body of the email or the comments on the phone need not be lengthy. Be specific, polite, and brief.
Legislative Phone Numbers
Leave opinion for a committee or ask to be connected to Legislator
From Reno/Carson: 775-684-6800
From Las Vegas 702-486-2626
Toll Free 800-578-2878
NOTE: ipetitions.com will ask for a donation after you click SIGN. There is no need to donate to have your signature count. Be aware, if you make a donation to ipetitions.com, it will not be used to support this legislation.