American Medical Association (AMA)- Medical Student Section (MSS) at UMDNJ-SOM
The purpose of this petition is to create awareness and gain student interest in a nationally recognized organization called The American Medical Association.
The AMA-Medical Student Section (AMA-MSS) provides student members with a powerful, unified voice on issues of importance to medical students. With a focus on student-issues and the U.S. medical education system, the MSS provides students an avenue to voice concerns, analyze issues, and advocate for change.
Why should you join?
Benefits FOR Medical School Students
- Save 30% on rapid review series – USMLE
- Save 30% on Kaplan Rapid Review for USMLE and COMLEX (We get only COMLEX materials through our school)
- 25% at the AMA book store – first aid, COMLEX series
- Internships and Fellowships
-Government Relationships
-Science and Technology
-NIH research training progams
Other Benefits
- Representation in the house of delegates and direct involvement via voting participation at all levels of the AMA
- Coordination in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP)
- Ability of the AMA-MSS to have an appointment for the NRMP
Here's an example of a policy that was started by an AMA-MSS member!
Smoking on Airplanes and a Smoke Free Workplace Legislation
In 1979, MSS adopted policy calling for a complete smoking ban on commercial aircraft. After much lobbying and public health campaigns, they were able to urge the US congress in 1989 to pass legislation on banning smoking on domestic flights. AMA also worked with other anti-tobacco organizations to eliminate smoking in the workplace -- this was done with support and a collaboration of AMA participating students, physicians, hospitals, clinics, and medical students!