Alteration of 199 Bowery Liquor License
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In the process of designing our property at 199 Bowery, we were faced with some structural concerns which caused us to alter our original plans of having dancing in the cellar, rather than dancing on the main floor.
In the process, we found that the ceiling height and the structural integrity of the base building could not withstand the 30-40lbs per square foot of necessary soundproof material. In order to be compliant, and be good neighbors, we had to build the sound proof box on the ground floor since our ceiling height was greater than the ceiling height in the cellar. This allowed us to create additional structural members and hang the new acoustical ceiling. If we had done the same amount of sound proofing in the cellar, we would have been left with 4 foot ceiling heights.
Due to this challenge we would like to change the agreed upon stipulation #4 from Community Board 3 to move the dancing to the back quarter of the ground floor. This way we can continue to be the great neighbors we have always been at each of our four SLA Liquor Licenses.
For any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to e-mail BoweryResident@emmgrp.com.