
To Albany Mayor Jennings:
We protest your decision to disband the Occupy Albany camp site by December 22.
Occupy Albany and the other occupations around the country have gained wide support because of their message, which is that the 1% is running Wall Street and the country for their own interests while the other 99% are being hurt by these policies. It is we, the 99%, who bailed out the banks that caused the economic crisis in the first place. And it is we, the 99%, who are now being asked to sacrifice yet more. The occupations include people who have lost homes, have huge college debts and no job or can not afford college at all. State workers who are threatened with layoffs and who are having austerity contracts rammed down their throats have joined us in Albany, as have Verizon workers and others who are under attack.
The order for us to abandon our
occupation site is a direct attack on our civil liberties. The
occupation has served as a much-needed ongoing protest to the policies of the
1%, which you are now attempting to stop. We demand that you allow this public
space for our continued peaceful protest.