Allow the valedictorian of SRHS's Class of 2015 to speak at the commencement ceremony

The formal definition of a valedictorian is a person who bids farewell. Scripps Ranch High School's valedictorian of the Class of 2015, Toni Bronars, should be allowed to do just that at the school's graduation ceremony.
All SRHS seniors were given the opportunity to audition to speak at graduation, offering everybody an equal chance to have a very special experience. Toni was not ultimately among those chosen. Yet, we stand by her and believe that her dedication to SRHS speaks for itself: Toni has earned this honor over the past 4 years and should be able to deliver her speech, as her title states.
The Class of 2015 supports Toni and believes that she should speak at graduation alongside the other chosen seniors, which the valedictorians in recent years have done. As the first female valedictorian at SRHS in many years, Toni's feats are celebrated by her fellow classmates. We all root for her and certainly have been looking forward to the prospect of hearing her speak on this important day. With a 4.85 cumulative GPA and a clear commitment to SRHS activities and sports, Toni represents the Class of 2015 in a way that makes us all proud to be Falcons. The celebration of this immense milestone in all of our lives will be incomplete without Toni's speech at graduation.