Thomas Tagliente 0

Allow Teachers to Carry Guns

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49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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On Friday, December 14, 2012, evil visited Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. In all, 20 children ranging in age from 5 to 10 years were killed and seven of their teachers which included the shooter's mother, the school principal, and the school's psychologist, were also confirmed dead.

In what has become an epidemic in America, a young man with severe personal problems took out his anger on innocent human beings. This tragedy was more heart wrenching because this time the students that were killed were elementary school children. The sadness is unbearable and the terror that they saw in the last moments of their young lives is unforgivable.

In 1999, two troubled teenagers methodically "hunted" fellow classmates at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. In 2008, a deeply disturbed student attacked and killed over 30 fellow students and a teacher at Virginia Tech. In April of 2012, a deranged young man entered Chardon High School in Chardon, Ohio, and killed four students there. He was not a student there. And then on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut, we lost 27 more innocent lives to this kind of attack.

This petition asks President Barack Obama and the United States Congress to create, sign, and pass a law that allows teachers from all United States educational institutions, to carry guns to protect their students and themselves from future attacks like the ones that have become a part of our nation's history. Mr. President, the time has come to stop debating about gun control and provide a means for our educators to defend their children and themselves from being the victim of future school attacks.

Controversy about gun control and what should and shouldn't be legal comes into the cross hairs of every discussion after a school shooting takes place. One side is for banning all guns, which would be a violation of the 2nd amendment right for every United States citizen to bear arms. The other side calls for the allowance of every citizen to arm themselves, which of course is constitutional as it is outlined in The United States Constitution. There should be no debate where our children and those who educate them are concerned. Training our teachers in gun proficiency and letting responsible citizens protect and defend their children and themselves is the only discussion we should be having in the first part of 2013.

Children are the bright lights of the world and their successes today shape our tomorrows. Every human life is precious. But there are some who are evil and cannot be rehabilitated. We have seen that time and again in cases like the school shootings cited above. So Mr. President and Congress; please pass a bill that makes it legal for a certified United States teacher to carry a firearm on their person so future school shootings can be averted. While it may not bring these tragedies to an end, it could certainly prevent more lives from being lost at the hands of such evil, like that which we saw in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday, December 14, 2012 and in previous school campus attacks.

For those who say this is not the way to go, consider your stance on this same issue if you were one of the parents who lost your child in the Sandy Hook Elementary School attack, Virginia Tech massacre, or the Columbine High School assault. I know it is a different situation if you have never lived through the horror. But, wouldn't you feel safer knowing your child were safer; that they had a fighting chance if their teachers were armed to protect them if evil visited their school building or college campus one day? I know I would.

I invite you to please sign this petition and ask President Barack Obama and the United States Congress to write, sign, and pass a bill, which will allow all certified teachers and their staff at all United States educational institutions, to be allowed to carry a firearm to protect their our children and themselves in the event that a evil like this is visited upon their lives.

The gun control debate must end right here and right now. Action must be taken today. Please sign this petition and take action right now.


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