Allow Student Businesses to accept "dining dollars"
Student businesses are an integral part of the Umass Amherst community and university, as they allow a place for students to have a substantial part in a business community. "Dining Dollars", a current method of payment which is part of Umass meal plans, are withheld from being accepted by Student businesses on the terms of the University. With ycmp soon to be completely gone, it is imperitive to the life of Student Businesses that dining dollars are allowed to be accepted. Since it is the money of the students and their families paying for these plans, it is extremely important that we have a voice as to where our money is going. Dining dollars are not only hindering the success of the student businesses, but also the community built around these establishments. We believe that as we are businesses run by students for students, and as students we are the basis of the University, we should have a say in where our money goes. Please join us in voicing our opinion to the University and keeping the Student Businesses alive.