Isabella Arnold 0

Allow Nose Piercings, Male Earrings, and Shorts at Brownsboro High School

86 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Isabella Arnold 0 Comments
86 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

We believe that allowing students to wear nose piercings, allowing males to have earrings, and allowing shorts above the knee has no negative impact on their education and is in no way a safety concern. Asking them to replace the nose piercing with a clear "spacer" and restricting males right to wear earrings serves no purpose, other than adding an unnecessary cost to the student and restricting their right to freely express their personality. Making girls wear long shorts, which are difficult to find, forces them to wear jeans in 100+ degree heat and makes them uncomfortable during the school day, which impacts their ability to learn. We are asking that Brownsboro ISD immediately change their dress code policy to allow students to wear piercings in their nose, allow males to wear earrings, and allow female students to wear shorts as much as 5 inches above the knee.

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