Kate Deng 0

Allow independent study/online classes for Corona Norco School District

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201 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear Corona Norco School District:

Health and safety of our children and family are our top priority. We have been and will be trusting our schools to protect our children everyday when we drop them off. At this moment of fighting with Covid-19 virus, We are asking you to consider exceptional school absence excuses such as independent study or online classes if available or possible school closure to prevent the virus spreading in our community.

For most of us in Corona-Norco area, one of the largest source of outside contacts is through school. Among these families in our community, there is a large amount of families that have elders to live together under the same roof. The current data and study might indicate that children will not get sick as easily as adults. However they can be infected and become asymptomatic carriers. These children can in turn spread the virus to their parents and grandparents, thus the entire community.

Solution never comes easy. We are asking for your considerations to provide options to us. For families with elders or family members having existing medical conditions, can we have the option to keep the children at home so we can keep our social distance until the peak of the virus spreading has passed.

Again, we completely trust our school district that our children will be provided with the most safe and healthy environment. We greatly appreciate it!

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