Allow Backyard Chickens in Oak Forest
Petition to amend city ordinances to Allow Backyard Chickens to be kept in Residential Areas of Oak Forest.
Backyard hens ensure that residents have access to safe, local eggs.
Backyard hens eat insects and weeds, improving the residential environment.
Backyard hens can reduce waste by eating food scraps.
Adult hens can thrive in small coops. Each adult hen needing about 1.5 - 2 square feet of floor space. This small space needed works perfectly with the yard sizes in Oak Forest.
Hens are prized by their owners as are any pet. Some for their personality, some for their beautiful coloring. Unlike roosters, hens are quiet, friendly, and entertaining.
Across the country, urban and suburban areas are allowing small backyard flocks of hens. Major cities allowing poultry include New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City.
Locally Palos Hills, Burbank, Tinley Park and others also now allow up to 4 backyard chickens.
Homeowners should be allowed to keep a small flock of hens kept properly confined in their owner's yard. USU Extension has published several articles to provide information for citizens interested in this hobby.
I support an amendment to current zoning laws governing livestock to allow for small flocks of chickens.