Allied Women Special Session Petition
Jeannie Faherty 0

Allied Women Special Session Petition

468 signers. Add your name now!
Jeannie Faherty 0 Comments
468 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

PETITION FOR PASSING ALL SPECIAL SESSION LEGISLATION For years Alabama has been ranked among the worst states in the nation for political corruption. On Wednesday, Dec. 8th, the Alabama state legislature will be convened in a special session to take up seven bills that will directly address the shameful problem. If passed, the seven bills being considered in the special session bills will set the state of Alabama on course toward restoring integrity and respect to our state. By supporting these seven bills, the legislature has an opportunity to take a giant step toward bringing real transparency and accountability to our state government. Therefore, we, the undersigned citizens of Alabama, petition the members of the House and Senate to pass the entire package of legislative bills being introduced in the Special Session. We call on each and every member of the Alabama State Legislature to vote for the seven bills that will: 1. Restrict Gifts from Lobbyists and Require Reporting of All Expenditures 2. Ban Legislative Double-Dipping 3. Ban all PAC to PAC transfers 4. Ban Pass -Through Pork 5. Give Subpoena Power to the Ethics Commission 6. Ban the Deduction of PAC Contributions from State/City/County Employee Paychecks 7. Require Electronic Filing of Ethics Reports and Require Mandatory Ethics Training

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