Stand Up for Disability Rights WORLDWIDE
Carol Maxwell 0

Stand Up for Disability Rights WORLDWIDE

75 signers. Add your name now!
Carol Maxwell 0 Comments
75 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Dear Citizens of the United States,

I am petitioning today to urge you to stand up for people with Acquired Brain Injuriesby signing your name in support of the many people with this disability like my Son Raymond Gould that went day to day with no help from our State or Federal government. It wasn't until a lawsuit brought about by Cathy Hutchinson ( Hutchinson vsPatrick)that my son gained helped. However the eligibility requirements don't help all acquired brain injuries. You must be in a nursing home or rehabilitation facility for more than a year to be eligible for this program ( The ABI Waiver).

If you saw what the facilitiesare like that are available to people with brain injuries you wouldn't want your loved ones going there, so many bring their loved ones home which makes them ineligible for the ABI Waiver.

By the Grace of God my son finally got the deserved help he needed but what he and I went through for 2 1/2 years without help I have a hard time with. I am trying to bring awareness to all about this serious injustice. I am asking our State Government to rewrite the bylaws or reword the bylaws for eligibility of the SHIP Program (Statewide Head Injury Program.) here in Massachusetts to allow Acquired Brain Injuries to be covered as well. I also am requesting that funding be made available for Acquired Brain Injuries immediately. I am also requesting that the Federal government put a fully funded program into place for ALL Brain Injured people not just traumatic. We have many of our soldiers coming back from war with serious brain injuries and we have people living in our country daily who suffer acquired and need help as well as their families just to survive.

Funding is needed badly for thousands just in Massachusetts, can you imagine Nationally.

Until you live this horrific journey you have no idea what you are up against how much suffering you will endure not just physically, emotionally and financially.

There are programs for Developmental disabilities, Autism, now is the time to help people with Brain Injuries, and they are American citizens in need of help desperately. As an advocate and Mother of a child with disabilities due to a severe Acquired Brain Injury ( from and untreated sinus infection), I am honored to live in the country that enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act. However I feel my son was discriminated against with his disability and many more also.

There are many people in Massachusetts who live with acquired brain injuries and are not eligible for any help through any agencies or programs because of either no funding and because of the way the SHIP Program worded their bylaw eligibility requirements when this program started. Thus causing these people to be institutionalized and set them back in their recovery to live independently. There are NO programs federally funded or State funded to help People with Acquired Brain Injuries. This is a disgrace being that we live in the United States of America. I was told by many that the bylaws were worded as such to prevent stroke victims from receiving assistance through the SHIP program. I feel it is not only important, but also necessary, that our State of Massachusetts and Country especially take action immediately to guarantee equal rights for ALL people with disabilities worldwide especially those with Acquired Brain Injuries. I understand there isn't much funding for the SHIP program as well.

I am demanding ALL Brain Injuries be covered and funding be made for ALL Brain Injuries no matter how they were acquired. I was told there is nomuch funding to cover what they have now.

As President Obama said, "This extraordinary treaty calls on all nations to guarantee rights like those afforded under the ADA. It urges equal protection and equal benefits before the law for all citizens; reaffirms the inherent dignity and worth and independence of all persons with disabilities worldwide." Right now, our country has the unique opportunity to play a vital role in the lives of those who live with disabilities worldwide. Please help the thousands of people with acquired brain injuries and traumatic get the help they deserve as American Citizens.

My son Raymond Gould, who is now 29 yrs old, suffered a brain injury due to a untreated sinus infection. Raymond is not a stroke victim; he has suffered a brain injury no different then those who suffered a traumatic brain injury and yet there was no programs to help him. He sat in a nursing home with 80-90 yr old residents. This was discrimination and truly a disgrace being we live in the United States of America. Yet we still are aiding foreign countries and we cannot help our own.

Thank you for your support and help


Carol Maxwell (Mother of Raymond J Gould)

475 Rollstone Street

Fitchburg, Ma 01420


Carol Maxwell


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