All In favor of Re-Zoning  910 Oliver Ave to R3 Status - Multi-family 4-6 Units
Miya S 0

All In favor of Re-Zoning 910 Oliver Ave to R3 Status - Multi-family 4-6 Units

46 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
46 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

By signing this petition you agree that you are a Minneapolis resident and that you are in support of rezoning 910 Oliver Ave N. Minneapolis from R2 duplex status back to R3 status multi-family 4-6 units .

Monell and Miyoshi , local Minneapolis residents recently acquired the 6,900 sq ft Hennepin County owned dilapidated 4-plex which has been vacant since 2007.

During its vacancy the property has been the site of vandalism, break ins and attempted arson. Because the property has been vacant for so long the zoning status has been down graded from R3 zoning which is 4-plex to R2 zoning which is duplex. We are looking to have it re-zoned back from R2 back to R3 to allow for 4-6 units in the inside. Since it was originally built as a 4-plex it already has 4 units; two units on the first floor and two units on the second floor and we are looking to add two additional units in the basement. The property resides on a street with other multi-family homes of similar shape and size.

Upgrading the property back to R3 status does not allow us to build higher or change the original footprint of the building, (which we would not be looking to do anyway) we love our Minneapolis and are not in favor of all of these big unnecessary buildings going in or the tearing down of our single family homes.

Our mission is to renovate this long standing vacant property and bring it back to its highest and best use to provide quality housing at rates that people can actually afford. And we are pleased to say that since we have acquired the property at the end of September and installed security cameras with alarms there have been no more break ins.

Please sign this petition in support of rezoning 910 Oliver back to its proper and original zoning classification from R2 to R3 to support 4-6 units.

Thank you!

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