Do Not Cancel Aliens: Colonial Marines

It was announced today, November 24th, 2008, that Gearbox Software, facing financial difficulties due to the lackluster sales of Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood, have reprioritized their development staff and budgets on their upcoming games; specifically negatively affecting progress on the upcoming game Aliens: Colonial Marines. As devout fans of the films or of gaming in general, we fear that the game's quality or even its release may be jeopardized by this reprioritization. We believe that there is already considerable community interest in the property, stemming in no small part from the game's presence on a recent cover of Game Informer magazine, and the popularity of screenshots and teaser trailers on sites such as Youtube and Gametrailers.com. We add our voices to the throngs, asserting in no uncertain terms, our support for Aliens: Colonial Marines, and our curiousity, hope, and excitment to play the finished product. We want to play it, and you will have our business should you finish the game to the full potential of the game's grand ambitions.