Alienated Grandparents Anonymous

Petition For Grandchild Access To Grandparents In Ontario
Adult children who cut all ties with their
parents and do not allow their own children to receive the love of their
grandparents is an increasingly agonizing and alarming social trend. In 2012,
Niagara Falls lawyer/politician, Kim Craitor, estimated that 112,500
grandchildren in Ontario were denied a relationship with their grandparents.
The experts in the field established that
this growing phenomenon, termed Parental Estrangement/Grandparent Alienation is
equivalent to child abuse, elder abuse and adult bullying. Grandparents are
instrumental in being family historians, teachers, companions, and babysitters.
They offer unconditional love to a grandchild, and can be a positive
contributor to their mental health. In addition grandparents often provide
financial support for their grandchild’s education, extra-curricular activities
and a host of other items as they grow up. In return, grandchildren give joy, love,
fun, energy and bring new beginnings for a grandparent.
This precious relationship is lost when parents
remove their loving grandmother and grandfather from their children’s lives. To
this day, the grandchild has no voice in such matters – their fate is
arbitrarily sealed. Studies demonstrate that such a situation is destructive
and has long term adverse impact on the wellbeing of both the grandparents and
the grandchildren.
Welcome to the AGA Ottawa & Toronto (Alienated
Grandparents Anonymous ). The AGA Ottawa and AGA Toronto are a support group
that provides information, strategies, & coping skills for
grandparents/parents dealing with Parental Estrangement/ Grandparent
Alienation. The goal is to restore and heal the connection between parents,
grandparents and grandchildren.
AGA Ottawa and AGA Toronto understand the important role of the family in our society and the critical need for a loving bond between grandparents and their grandchildren.
As such, the AGA Ottawa and AGA Toronto are advocating for the introduction of a law that will facilitate relationships between grandparents and grandchildren who have been denied contact with each other. The AGA Ottawa and AGA Toronto are proposing that a law be drafted and passed by the Ontario Legislative Assembly to address this issue.
Please add your signature to this petition to indicate your support for this precious cause; to help children enjoy the love that belongs to them. When a grandparent dies, this is a tragedy. When a grandchild is purposefully removed from a grandparent’s life, this is simply unjustifiable. As a society, we all suffer from such incomprehensible acts. Children are not only the branches from our tree-we are a part of their roots. Thank you for making a difference. We greatly appreciate your support.
Alienated Grandparents Anonymous Ottawa
Alienated Grandparents Anonymous Toronto
We are the voice of our Grandchildren.