People United for Algae Bio-Fuel Production petition.

We, the people, due to recent events with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, join together to demand that the government replace petroleum and other plant based fuels with Algae Bio-fuel as soon as possible. Algae produces 15 times more oil than other plant based bio-fuel, and use 1/7 less acreage to do so. Unlike other plant-based bio-fuels, which produce CO2, Algae consumes CO2 and converts it into sugar for fuel usage. It is eco-friendly, requires no conversion for our vehicles, can be grown anywhere. It can be harvested in two days, and made economically for the consumers with recent reports it can be sold at $1 a gallon. The algae by-products can also be used to make plastic (which is biodegradable), feed for live stock, and cooking oil which are healthy and safe for human consumption. Algae also produces 70% of the world’s oxygen! There are so many benefits to it - including the creation of new jobs. We can not continue to use fuels that harm the environment, and fund terrorist cells in foreign countries when we have a viable fuel source that answers all of our needs. We need a solution NOW, not years from now! (Please sign and stand with us.) Thank you.