Stop the Ledges of Woburn Project

To Mayor Scott Galvin, Woburn MA
We the undersigned, request that you as Mayor and Leader of the City, step up and establish a strategy that will protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents from the potential abuse from the proposed Ledges of Woburn project, blasting, removal of approximate 420,000 cy of materials and 120 truck trips per day in a residential neighborhood. Where do you stand on this issue? The Ledges Project has the potential of being the number one issue to affect the health, safety and welfare not only of the residents of North Woburn but all of the Woburn residents for approximately the next 5 years. If the HAC rules that the denial of the Modification should be reversed, this would be the time for you as Mayor and Leader of the City to step up and establish a strategy that will protect the residents against the potential abuse. If you are unwilling to do so, we as residents will. We look forward to your response.
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