Alcohol Citations

I believe that the drunken driving laws have one purpose, to make money. The laws that have been put in place for drunk driving are abusive and oppressive and are in some cases entrapment. How can a person walk into a bar and have one drink, leave the bar on foot and be cited for public drunkenness? Or cited for drunk driving even when the person cited was not driving a car? Please sign this petition so we can push back against our government’s oppressive hand.
No person shall be given a citation for drunkenness while walking, biking or riding a lawn mower unless the drunk started a confrontation and physical injury resulted to another person.
Persons cited for drunkenness while not operating a registered motor vehicle on the public roadways will not receive a citation that attaches itself to that person’s driver's license.
No person shall be cited for "drunk driving" unless they are behind the wheel of a registered vehicle that is running on public roadways.
If a citation for "drunk driving" is given out, no search and seizure of the drunken person's home/personal property allowed without a warrant.
People on probation shall not have their right to bear arms infringed.
If a blood test is refused the loss of license for one year and a fine of $500 is the maximum penalty. No follow up citations are allowed regarding drunkenness. And no conviction of drunkenness shall be entered against him/her.
There shall be no physiological analysis on "drunk drivers" until the 3rd offense.
No probation until 3rd offense.