Albertans against the new flavored tobacco ban

On June 1, 2015 the Alberta government will impliment part of Bill 206 which will ban flavored tobacco. Myself being a 20 year old who enjoys an occasional flavored cigar as do many other Albertans and Canadians for that matter, find this as a direct infringement on our rights as a consumers. It is morally appalling that activist groups have tried to pin children smoking on flavored tobacco while acting as though no adults enjoy it as well. Using that thought process then should we now ban all flavored alcohol as kids can get access to that and normally find that more appealing to drink? Here in Canada we pride ourselves of having a free country where people can make their own choices (religion, language, etc.) so why is having the option to smoke flavored tobacco being taken from us, should that not also be a personally choice? If the Alberta government decided to ban French Fries or other food that is detrimental to your health as it promotes not onlychildhood obesity, butobesity in general, would we support this? Or should this be an individuals choice to eat this way?