Improve the quality of the education of Albemarle County Public Schools - Repeal Semesterized Instruction
The undersigned citizens of Albemarle County request that the School Board of Albemarle County Public Schools repeal the practice of semesterized instruction for core academic subjects, namely English, science, history, math, and foreign language effective for the school year 2011 - 2012.
Substantial and qualitative academic research has demonstrated that, contrary to the claims made by the administration, semesterized instruction compromises students’ ability to learn, diminishes teachers’ ability to instruct, and jeopardizes students’ college opportunities.
The County’s much vaunted goal of world-class education will not be achieved by implementing a policy that has been demonstrably unsuccessful and which has been rescinded in other jurisdictions. Our community does not support a school system that sacrifices the quality of the instruction students receive, and we shall not waver in our determination to see this issue through.
CASE - Citizens of Albemarle Supporting Education - Our mission is to repeal the practice of compressing year-long courses into a one semester format because it is detrimental to our children's educational experience.
CASE (Citizens of Albemarle Supporting Education) has two exciting announcements:
First, this Thursday, October 28, at the end of the regularly scheduled work session of the Albemarle County School Board, CASE will hand board members the recently completed report “Semesterized Instruction of Core Academic Subjects in U.S. High Schools.” The report will then be distributed extensively to education leaders throughout our community and to local media. It will also be available for download on the CASE website: We urge you to take a look: this report clearly demonstrates that semesterization approach does not work in any subject for any student. Public comments will start at 8:30 pm. People are welcome to attend and no other comments or speakers are necessary at this time.
Second, the school board has agreed to hold a special work session with us on Tuesday, November 16. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE. The purpose of this session will be to discuss with board members the very troubling findings in the report. This will be our best opportunity to make our case against this policy to the entire school board and to have a frank exchange with them. Stay tuned for details on the session’s format, but for now PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. There is great strength in our numbers! We hope to pack the meeting room with all of us who care so deeply about the education of our children. We have a unique opportunity to bring the issues to the table and engage the School Board to discuss the rationale for implementing semesterized instruction, and your presence is crucial!