Alaya getting her ears pierced
Alaya Nazir 0

Alaya getting her ears pierced

113 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alaya Nazir 0 Comments
113 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Hello everyone,
I am 8 years old and have been dreaming about piercing my ears forever (okay, maybe not forever, but sometime now!). Unfortunately, the current ruler of all ear-piercing decisions, Kaser Nazir (AKA my dad), says i have to wait till i am 11 years old. That’s like, a million years from now in kid time!

But here is the deal: After months of my best puppy-dog eyes, daddy has made an offer. If i can gather 100 signatures from people he will let me pierce my ears next month.

So, i need your help! Please sign this petition…

Thank you.

Alaya “Future- Earring- Wearer” Nazir.

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