David Karabelnikoff 0

Alaska Supports Democracy

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
David Karabelnikoff 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Friends of Ray Metcalfe for US Senate call upon the Executive Committee of the Alaska Democratic Party to enforce their rules as pertaining to endorsement of non party affiliated candidates when a democratic candidate is running for office. In the case of the US Senate race, Ray Metcalfe won the democratic primary and therefore the nomination on August 15th by 20 points.

The AK Dem Party rules:

Section 1) Between the date of the primary and the general election, an officer of the Alaska Democratic Party may not publicly endorse or support the election of a candidate from another political party against a Democratic candidate in a partisan race, or publicly denounce a Democratic Party nominee. Violation of this provision shall constitute the officer’s automatic removal from office.

We will present this petition to the Executive Committee to push them to abide by their own operation procedures. We feel that win or loose we should all play by the same rules.

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