Add Al Gore to the DFA Straw Poll!
Dylan Hassinger 0

Add Al Gore to the DFA Straw Poll!

2014 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dylan Hassinger 0 Comments
2014 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear Democracy for America, We are calling on you to help reveal the strong grassroots support for Al Gore to run for President in 2008. We understand that DFA will conduct a straw poll among the declared Presidential candidates (plus \"other\") later this summer. If that poll proves inconclusive (i.e., no candidate reaches the threshold to obtain DFA\'s endorsement), we urge DFA to run a follow-up second poll with Al Gore\'s name added to gauge the true level of support for his potential candidacy among DFA members. We also ask that the question be worded properly: to gauge voters support as if he were hypothetically an announced candidate (such as: \"If Al Gore officially runs, would you support his candidacy\"). Al Gore\'s 2004 endorsement of Howard Dean in the Democratic primaries is just one example of the close relationship Vice President Gore has with the progressive community and Democracy for America\'s membership. Thus we hope that DFA offer a chance to vote for him as if he were running. We have read that in past DFA straw polls, \"other\" has received as high as 12 or 13% - we believe this is in large part to due to support for Al Gore. Moreover, we believe that if Al Gore is added as a hypothetical \"announced candidate\" to a DFA straw poll, then he will win, expressing the breadth and depth of America\'s grassroots support for our best choice for president. Respectfully, The Grassroots


This petition is sponsored by America for Gore, the grassroots coalition to elect Al Gore for President 2008


For more information on the movement to elect Al Gore President in 2008, please visit:
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