Sign Your Name & Save A Life.

In November of 2008 my at the time, 11 month old daughter, had a seizure. We phoned 911 and they dispatched our local ambulance. They were here quickly and had to administer medication. So they carried her seizing body to the ambulance. They asked me how much my daughter weighed. In distraught and pulling from memory I knew she had weighed between 17 and 18 pounds at her last appointment a few weeks before this. But I didn't know her exact weight. And because none of the ambulances in New York state are equipped with scales, neither did the EMT's. In order to administer medication they must follow certain guidlines. If they do not know the exact weight of the patient, how can they follow these guidlines So the EMT established she had probably gained weight since her appointment and followed the guidlines for someone weighing more than she actually did. Because she could not be weighed the wrong amount of medication was administered. My daughter became attack cardiac and was nonresponsive. By the time we took the less than ten minute drive to our local hospital her life hung in the balance. The nurses on duty had to intubate her and hand pump air into her lungs for over two hours in that little emergency room. If there had been a scale aboard the ambulance we might not have had to wonder if our daughter was going to make it home with us. She is better now and seems to be as great as ever. But she could have easily passed away, as well as anyone could, from an improper dose of medication. Please sign this petition and help save a life. Help me be sure there is always a scale available on every ambulance. Please try to include your first and last name. Thank You.