Help bring 2yr old Aishah Sabra home to the UK
Claire Tolba 0

Help bring 2yr old Aishah Sabra home to the UK

770 signers. Add your name now!
Claire Tolba 0 Comments
770 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Prental child abduction is something that happens everyday in the world...We just rarely hear about it. Please read Leilas story and help her return home with her beautiful baby girl, A'ishah, who has been through MORE than enough in her young years already... A’ishah was taken from a cafe in Egypt last May, an event organised by Leila’s ex-husband, Saber Mesbah Sabra. During an access visit to Egypt Saber Mesbah Sabra grabbed Aishah threw her into the back of a car and drove away with her, leaving a heartbroken Leila screaming after her baby. Leila spent 8 months scouring Egypt looking for her baby until one day she recieved the phone call from the British Embassy who informed her that her little girl had been found. Saber, Aishahs father, was forced to say where he was hiding A'ishah. Sadly and inhumanely he had paid a strange woman to look after A'ishah where she was kept away from any one or anything she knew. This child was forced to call this strange woman 'mother', who did not speak a word of english (Aishahs native langauge). A'ishah and mother are now reunited now and are trying to heal from this heartbreaking and traumatic experience, HOWEVER they are still unable to travel home to the UK as her ex husband has now put a travel ban on Aishah leaving Egypt. Leila who has not been given a work permit and has limited and next to zero funds is expected to fight court cases and support Aishah while they both live in fear of death threats and the reabduction of her baby. Please sign this petition which will be sent to those in power who may be able to help bring Aishah home. We will also arrange for this petition to be sent to Her Excellency, Suzanne Mubarak, the Egyptian Preseident, His Excellency Hosni Mubaraks' wife. Her Excellency opened up the Women’s International Peace Movement which deals with a variety of topics. We are only looking for a peacful resolve for the sake of Ai'shah who has, we think you will agree, been through more than any child should bare in their lifetime. Thank you in advance.


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