Australian International School - Fee Compensation Appeal

Dear: Mr. Nadim M Nsouli – CEO of Inspired
Mr. Clarence van del Wel – General Director of AIS Saigon
Mr. Roderick Crouch – Executive Principal of AIS Saigon
All of us, or the parents of AIS students and we all came to a consensus to formally request the school to address the arisen matter through Tuition Fee Refunds of the Academic Year 2019 – 2020 for the amount of time taken OFF as a consequence of the Novel Corona Virus with rates as follow:
- All nursery classes and Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4: refunds of 70%
- All classes from Y5 to Y13: refunds of 50%
At the same time request the school to consider tuition fee reduction for 2020 – 2021 with rates as follow:
- A 20% reduction from the recently announced tuition fees for classes of all Years in the case of which the Virus subside and school reopens
- In the occurrence of which the Virus does not subside, or worsens, and as a consequence, school remains closed, then a tuition fee should be decided upon an online-course basis, alike the current Academic Year.
More than anything else, we always hope that both the school and government is able to allow school to reopen to normalize daily activities as well as facilitates kids' learning.
With best regards
P/S: We really hope to seek all parents’ consensus. Each and all of your signatures are forces of pressure against the school’s responsibility to compromise with us upon our proposed resolutions.